Looking for a challenging job to further realise his sporting ambitions, Németh arrived at edibo Lommel some five years ago. As second-in-command, he tackles every project with total motivation and a smile, no matter the complexity or challenges involved. He’s happy to tell you more about his greatest passions on and off site.
National pride
No lack of power, agility or vista for Németh. This Hungarian man breathes American football. “In my homeland, I was able to play for the national team seven times, which is a huge honour. After that, I played in Serbia for a while as well. Belgium was the next step in my sporting career.”
“Once I got here, I obviously had to look for a job in order to fully experience my new life in Belgium, and my sports. I worked for an asbestos removal company for a while, but when one of my co-workers switched jobs to work for edibo, he asked me if I were interested as well. I was hired quickly after an interview with the edibo management.”
“My job at edibo? Pretty much everything”
At edibo, Németh is second-in-command on site. “What that entails? Pretty much everything, actually! Arranging the site layout, measuring for the excavation of foundations, landfilling, building pile constructions, installing roofs and sandwich panelling, you name it. From the coarse preliminary work to the final beauty touches.”
“Every day, I feel highly motivated to start work. Needless to say, I work for the best edibo foreman, Frederik. For some reason, the most challenging projects always end up at our team. He does have the reputation of going that extra mile in order to make sure a project is successful (laughs).”
“And those are exactly the projects that I prefer myself. For instance, when we are working at altitude while beneath us it’s crawling with activity. Or enormous projects that are so large that we don’t see each other all day, like with the construction of the business park BVI in Tubeke. But no matter how scattered our team on the construction site, we’ll always respect each other’s advice. That’s what gives this job its primary added value.”
Student to teacher?
In five years’ time, Németh himself claims to have learned a lot by observing his fellow challengers. “This is how my brain works: when I see something that interests me, I’m able to copy that quite quickly. That’s how I learned a lot in a short time-span.”
“Whether that will lead to another function at edibo in future? Like I said, I’m still highly motivated in my present function, however, I do like to mentor and guide people.”
“Ever since I stopped playing on my football team, ‘the Limburg Shotguns’, I coach youth as well as adult teams in the club. It gives me great satisfaction, too. So, the next step at edibo could well be foreman; but first, I still have a lot to learn from my own foreman (laughs).”
Németh’s future challenges
In conclusion, are there any other challenges Németh has projected for himself? “Europe has established its own Football League recently. There might be a coaching role for me in there somewhere. The United States will always be a big dream of mine, but that doesn’t seem to be feasible, at least not short-term.”
“Right now, my priorities are based at home. My girlfriend and I recently had a son and our second baby is due in Summer. I want to spend enough time with my family and be a good father; and hopefully, some day introduce them to my sports passion.”
What constructive challenges are you willing to tackle?
Luckily, you don’t have to tackle everything and everyone literally – like Németh – in order to make a difference at edibo(sud). Motivation, collegiality and the will to grow are the main requirements in order to pass. Ready to take on the challenge at edibo(sud)? Take a look at our job openings and get in touch.