In industrial construction projects, quality expectations for steel constructions keep rising, especially in particularly demanding industries like the petrochemistry. The steel production quality assurance system (FPC) and continuous monitoring form the basis for compliance with these expectations. At edibo(sud), a team of motivated, skilled and certified welding experts take on your project. Together with this team, we warrant a fivefold quality check of the welding.
Welding by the (quality) book
Today, the edibo steel workshop in Lommel counts 15 certified welders. From day one, they are trained to assess their work with extreme scrutiny, basing their judgement on detailed procedures.
Leading the team is Workshop Manager Gerard Custers. He is assisted by our internal Welding Engineer Jens Cannaerts, who is the author of our quality assurance bible for welders, and who carries the title of European Welding Engineer. In short, at edibosud, you can depend on the greatest internal welding expertise. Also for projects that are in a higher execution class; without having to rely on an external specialist.
Dual international certification
With the ISO3834 and EN1090 certifications, edibo has acquired international quality credentials since respectively 2011 and 2014.
“Whereas the ISO3834 quality label is directed specifically towards the welding, the EN1090 accounts for the entire steel production process”, explains Jens Cannaerts. “From the acquisition of the steel to its processing. The combination of these certifications allows us to validate the quality of our procedures in black and white, from the steel orders to the on-site assembly.”
Fivefold quality control
Having obtained these certifications doesn’t mean we just sit back. On the contrary, in order to guarantee the quality of the processes and of our workshop employees, we monitor on five different levels:
- Triennial audit of our certified welders by an external party;
- Annual inspections and calibrations of the equipment used in the steel production (welding sets, saw drill line …);
- Annual internal audits for compliance with the ISO3834 and/or EN1090 certifications;
- Biannual external inspection of our internal quality manual and related procedures, based on one or more delivered projects;
- Daily quality check by the welders themselves based on the quality manual and annual internal training sessions via the edibo Academy.
Feel free to look over our shoulder
At edibosud, you can rest assured that welding works are performed according to industry practices, to ensure that your project has been equipped with a steel construction that can effortlessly stand the test of time. We guarantee multiple internal and external quality inspections, presenting a construction partner with all the steel knowledge you might need. Ultimately, you are always more than welcome to come and perform a final quality control yourself.
Would you like to have a more in-depth meeting about your project? Contact us, and in the meantime, browse through our realisations across a variety of industries.